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Swim-Ability new sessions start Monday 5th March 2018

Swim-Ability - pool assessment Monday 5th March 2018 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm

Swim-Ability - new sessions start Monday 12th March 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm block of 10 weeks swimming lessons

Blessing in Disguise is accepting applications for it's next 'Swim-Ability' funded swimming lessons for children with disabilities or special needs new sessions start Monday 5th March 2018 for assessment of needs and then Monday 12th March 2018 for 10 weeks of learning. Blessing in Disguise fund these sessions to ensure that every child regardless of disability or special needs has an opportunity to get wet and access fun learning sessions in the water.

Applications must be submitted for each applicant.

We look forward to receiving your completed forms (first come first served basis, names will be added to our waiting list if you miss this block booking)

Swim Ability #Hindley #BlessingInDisguise #Swim #DisabilitySwim

Blessing in Disguise Childrens Charity. Everyone needs a Blessing in Disguise

Blessing In Disguise

Lilford House,

St. Helens Road, Leigh.  WN7 4HG

​Telephone: ​01942 316113



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Company no. 8790053

Registered Charity No: 1161139


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